WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

NXT Takeover Brooklyn Results (8/18): New Champions Crowned, Who Is The Last Man Standing, More

Results – Live
August 18th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Undisputed Era vs Mustache Mountain

Strong knows Bate off the apron. O’Reilly distracts Seven which allows Strong to attack him from behind. All four men trade punches. Bate and Seven hit tandem bop and bangs. Top rope assisted senton by Bate and Seven. Strong kicks out. Falling star senton by Seven and Bate. Seven telegraphs a backdrop. Strong counters it into a half nelson backbreaker for a near fall. O’Reilly tags in and unloads on Seven with a series of kicks. Strong and O’Reilly take turns working over Seven. Seven manages to tag in Bate. Bate clears the ring.

Bate big swings Strong and airplane spinning O’Reilly. Strong escapes. O’Reilly puts Bate in a sleeper. Bate German suplexes Strong with O’Reilly on his back! Bate splashes O’Reilly in the corner. Bate tries to do the same to Strong but Strong obliterates him with a lariat. Strong and O’Reilly beat down Bate. Strong puts Bate in the Gory Special. Bate escapes but O’Reilly cuts him off before he can tag out. Heel hook by O’Reilly. Bate sends both Strong and O’Reilly over the top rope. Bate manages to tag in Seven. Seven back body drops Strong and lands a topé suicida on O’Reilly. Seven blasts O’Reilly with a one-armed powerbomb. Dragon suplex by Seven on Strong. Seven drops Strong with the Island driver. Strong kicks out. O’Reilly hits the ring and brainbusters Seven for a near fall. Olympic slam by Strong.
