impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (8/9): The OGz Brawl With LAX, Eddie Edwards Gets A Shot At The Impact Championship, More

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Footage is shown of an all-out brawl between LAX and the OGz

The Desi Hit Squad vs Taiji Ishimori and Petey Williams

Ishimori lands a springboard senton on Singh. Williams tags in and lands a slingshot DDT. Willams bulldogs Raju onto Sing. After a distraction, Singh trips Williams into the rope. Raju knees Williams in the face from outside. Singh grabs Willams and complete shots him. Singh and Raju take turns beating down Williams. Williams manages to tag in Ishimori. Ishimori lands the tombstone double knees on Singh. Willaims Canadian destroyers Raju. Ishimori picks up Raju and hits the KneeDDT for the win.

Winners Taiji Ishimori and Petey Williams

Backstage, Allie says it doesn’t matter what Su Yung does Allie is going to stop Yung. Tessa Blanchard thinks this is all about Allie getting a shot at the Knockouts title. Allie doesn’t care. Allie just wants to end Yung. It can be a non-title match for all she just wants Allie. Kiera Hogan says if Blanchard or any of the Bridesmaids are around she will take them out. Yung’s time is up.