Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/6): Rousey Impresses In Raw Debut, Reigns Tries To Pull Double Duty, Heyman Has Words For Lesnar, More

Roman Reigns vs Baron Corbin

The match started during the break. Reigns tries a Samoan drop but Corbin escapes. Corbin floors Reigns after the dipsey doo clothesline. Corbin gets a near fall. Reigns lands a few strikes but Corbin floors Reigns with a back elbow. Reigns kicks out again. Reigns fires up and clotheslines Corbin over the top rope. Reigns lands the drive by. Corbin falls face first on the floor. Reigns sends Corbin back into the ring. Corbin decks Reigns and sends him head first into the ring post. After the break, Corbin has Reigns in a modified cobra clutch.  Reigns manages to hit the Samoan drop. Corbin kicks out.

Corner clotheslines by Reigns. Reigns calls for the Superman Punch Corbin blocks it and hits the deep six. Reigns kicks out. Corbin and Reigns trade strikes. Corbin tries the dipsey doo clothesline (and takes out a cameraman in the process) but Reigns counters with the Superman Punch. Corbin kicks out. Corbin tries to leave but Bálor cuts him off. Corbin turns around and Reigns Superman Punches him. Reigns Spears Corbin for the win.

Winner- Roman Reigns

After the match, Reigns daps up Bálor. Bálor hits the ring and dropkicks Corbin. Bálor hits the Coup de Grâs on Corbin.
