Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/6): Rousey Impresses In Raw Debut, Reigns Tries To Pull Double Duty, Heyman Has Words For Lesnar, More

WWE Raw Results 

August 6th, 2018
Report By Lovell Porter for

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In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle and Constable Baron Corbin 

Angle welcomes the crowd to the show. Angle notes that tonight will be a historic night because Ronda Rousey will compete for the first time on Raw. Angle says unlike other former UFC champions, Rousey has no problem showing up for work and competing on Raw. Angle says Lesnar has no class. Corbin tells Angle to be careful. Angle says he has to get this off his chest. Angle says Paul Heyman did his job, Heyman got Lesnar to come to the ring. Angle says this is what he is going to do with Lesnar. Before Angle can finish, Roman Reigns walks out on the stage. Reigns tells Angle that he has a lot of respect for him but Angle should have known better. If you kick the Big Dog out, who is going to protect the yard. Corbin is laughing in the background. Reigns asks Corbin what he is laughing at. Reigns says when Lesnar look at Corbin he ran like a little… well you know.

Angle says he made sure Lesnar did not get suspended. The title match at SummerSlam is still on. Angle says he just hopes Reigns kicks his ass. Corbin says that was unprofessional and Angle can’t pick favorites. Corbin says last week he chose to be the bigger man and since he was worn out from his match against Finn Bálor. Angle says Corbin could have acted like a man last week. Corbin tells Angle he is no one. All he does is make matches. Stephanie McMahon put Corbin in charge of Angle because Angle can’t be trusted. Angle says Corbin is right. Angle just makes the matches. Angle is making a match right now. Reigns vs Corbin. Corbin decks Reigns before the bell rings.