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NJPW G1 Climax Night 10 Results (7/28) Omega/SANADA. More.

EIGHTH MATCH: B Block Match: Tomohiro Ishii (4 pts) vs. Kota Ibushi (4 pts)

They charge each other to start. They exchange furious strikes. The reverse each other and break.

They begin exchanging strikes again. Ishii drops Ibushi with a shoulder tackle. Ishii hits a headbutt. Ishii chops away on Ibushi in the corner. Ibushi fights back but his strikes barely faze Ishii. Ishii staggers Ibushi with a blow. Ishii corners Ibushi and hits a series of punches and elbows. Ibsuhi hits a series of strikes but falls to another forearm. Ibushi locks in a side headlock. Ishii locks in a side headlock. Ibushi hits a dropkick. Ibushi hits a snap hurricanrana. Ishii rolls to the outside.

Ibushi hits a pescado. Ibushi drags Ishii all the way to the back of the arena. Ibushi throws Ishii into a wall. Ibushi hits a hurricanrana. Ibushi climbs to a balcony. Ibushi hits a balcony moonsault on Ishii. Ibushi drags Ishii back to the ring. Ibushi hits a springboard dropkick. Ibushi hits a Half and Half Suplex for two.

Ibushi hits a mid kick. Ibushi hits another mid kick. Ibushi hits a third mid kick. Ishii gets to his feet. Ishii counters a mid kick and drops Ibushi with a forearm. Ishii puts Ibushi on the top rope. Ishii hits a Stalling Superplex. Ibushi gets right up. Ishii hits a German Suplex. Ibushi is up. Ibushi flips out of a Dragon Suplex. Both men exchange headbutts. Ibushi hits a German Suplex. Ibushi hits a backflip kick. Both men are down.

Ishii hits a flurry of strikes. Ibushi staggers Ishii with a chop. Ibushi lawn darts Ishii into the corner. Both men exchange slaps. Slapfight ensues. Ibushi wins the slapfight and soccer kicks Ishii. Ibushi pummels Ishii. Ishii fights back with vicious chops. Ibushi punches Ishii in the throat repeatedly. Ibushi hits a lariat. Ibushi hits a Last Ride Powerbomb for two.

Ibushi pulls down his knee pad. Ishii blocks Kamigoye. Ishii hits a series of headbutts. Ibushi hits a headbutt. Ibushi hits a Straight Jacket German Suplex for two. Ishii ducks Kamigoye. Ishii hits Kamigoye of his own. Ishii hits Last Ride Folding Powerbomb for two.

Ishii hits a lariat for two. Ishii goes for the Brainbustr but Ibushi hits his own Brainbuster. Ishii stands up. Ibushi hits a mid kick. Ishii hits an enziguri. Ibushi hits a huge knee for one.

Ishii and Ibushi exchange slaps and kicks. Ishii hits a headbutt. Ibushi hits a roundhouse kick to the head/ Ibushi hits Kamyigoye for the win in 16:14.

WINNER: Kota Ibushi (6 pts)