CEO X NJPW: When Worlds Collide will take place tonight at 8:30pm EDT. It will be streamed live at https://www.twitch.tv/ceogaming
There is no ring announcer, so I have no clue who either of these guys are. Black Trunks has been dominating Gold Trunks. Gold Trunks eventually fights back. They trade finishers back and forth. Apparently one of them is an accused domestic abuser and the other is a registered sex offender (via David Bixenspan)
Gold Trunks gets the win with “I Don’t Know What You Call That.” The commentary team is…less than knowledgable.
WINNER: Gold Trunks
DARK MATCH: Michael Nakazawa vs. ???
Michael Nakazawa is making an open challenge. He runs down the crowd and says that Japanese people are better than Americans in every way. That’s why he made this open challenge. To challenge Americans.
The challenge is answered by some guy.
“What you doing here, skinny boy?” asks Nakazawa. Before the guy can introduce himself, he gets the tar beaten out of him.
The bell rings. Nakazawa hits a Spear. Nakazawa hits a BackDrop Driver for two.
Nakazawa takes off his own underwear and locks in an Iron Claw for the win.
WINNER: Michael Nakazawa
Nakazawa says he’s not done. The head of the show, in a wheelchair challenges Nakazawa. He transfers to crutches and gets in the ring. Nakazawa calls him a “cripple.” Nakazawa kicks out the crutch. Nakazawa covers himself in baby oil.
DARK MATCH: Michael Nakazawa vs. Jebailey
Nakazawa beats up the CEOCEO. Nakazawa hits a Senton for two.
JeBailey gets covered in baby oil. Jebailey bodyslams Nakazawa and hits an elbow drop for two.
Nakazawa goes for a Figure Four but Jebailey gets to the ropes. Nakazawa takes off another pair of underwear. Jebailey blocks the Iron Claw and Nakazawa ends up locking it in the ref. Jebailey beats up Nakazawa with the crutch. Jebailey hits a Big Boot with his cast. Jebailey hits an Attitude Adjustment for the pinfall.
WINNER: Jebailey
Kenny Omega comes out to congratulate Jebailey and thank the crowd for coming to “history in the making.”
There is a ten minute intermission.
We come back from intermission to watch the ring announcer stand in the ring silently while theme music plays.
There is a five minute intermission.