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WWE 2018 UK Championship Tournament Day One Results (6/25): Who Won The 2018 WWE UK Tourny?, More

WWE 2018 UK Championship Tournament Day One Results
June 25, 2018
From London, England

Report By Nick Hausman for Wrestlezone.com

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The show begins with a hype package voiced by new WWE UK Commissioner Johnny Saint putting over the Royal Hall Arena and the eight quarterfinals competitors.

Andy Shepherd is the ring announcer. Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness are the commentators.

Match #1: “Gentleman” Jack Gallagher vs Zack Gibson (Quarterfinal Tournament Match)

Gibson is welcomed to the ring by a loud chorus of boos from the UK fans.

Gibson refuses a handshake with Gallagher before the bell.

Fast paced technical wrestling to start the match with Gallagher eventually getting the better of Gibson. The fans then begin to sing something that I couldn’t make out and Gallagher goes to the middle turnbuckle to “conduct” them.

Gallagher and Gibson have another quick exchange and Gallagher goes for a schoolboy but Gibson kicks out. Gallagher synchs in a long rear headlock before Gibson rolls out and finally goes on the offense. Gibson goes after Gallagher’s arm while they are tied up in the ropes and hits him with a kidney punch. Gallagher goes down and Gibson mounts him and throws a flurry of big overhand punches.

Gibson has Gallagher in a rear headlock but picks him up and shoots him into the ropes and takes him down while wrenching Gallagher’s arm. Gibson picks up Gallagher and hits him with an armbar suplex. Gibson has Gallagher in the corner and is blasting him with uppercuts.

Gallagher rolls into the ropes and clings to them. Gibson pulls him away from the ropes and throws him ribs first into the corner turnbuckle. Gallagher attempts to land some punches but Gibson pulls his legs out from under him. Gibson takes control with a chinbar variation. Gallagher starts to power up and Gibson shoots him into the corner. Gallagher blocks the collision and turns around with a flurry of strikes on Gibson. Gallagher muscles Gibson up and over with a stalling suplex and both men are down.

Gallagher tries to pick up Gibson but Gibson runs them both into the corner. Gallagher does up to the second turnbuckle but gets caught with a second rope lungblower by Gibson. Gibson goes for the pin but Gallagher kicks out at the last second.

Gallagher gets to his feet first and hits a standing dropkick. Gibson staggers to the corner, Gallagher runs at him for a dropkick but Gibson reverses it into a Liger Bomb. On the ground Gallagher manages to lock in a triangle choke on Gibson. Gibson picks Gallagher up from that position and throws him over the top rope to the outside.

Gallagher slingshots his way back in to the ring and goes for a rear choke on Gibson. Gibson rolls out and goes to the outside. Gallagher dives to the outside on Gibson and rolls Gibson into the ring. Gibson is in the corner and Gallagher hits his running drop kick and gets a near fall.

Both men are on their feet in the ring and exchange blows. Gibson hits Gallagher with a stiff shot to the shoulder. Gallagher rolls to the outside and gets in before the ten count. Gibson grabs Gallagher for a belly-to-belly lungblower. Gibson goes to pick up Gallagher and Gallagher pulls out a dropkick out of nowhere. Gallagher goes to the top rope, dives and gets caught with a boot to the face.

Gibson applies his Shankly Gates, modified Camel Clutch, finisher and Gallagher taps out.

Your Winner: Zack Gibson

Next Page: WWE 2018 UK Championship Tournament Day One Results (cont.)