WWE Money In The Bank - SD MITB

WWE Money In The Bank Kickoff Show: Bludgeon Brothers vs Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

Smackdown Tag Team Championship: The Bludgeon Brothers (c) vs Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows

Gallows is all over Rowan. Anderson hits his karate kick on Rowan, then Harper. Harper’s leg gets caught in the ropes. Harper falls to the floor. Rowan picks up Gallows and uses him as a blunt force object against Anderson. Rowan and Harper drop Anderson face first on the ring apron. Gallows tries to help Anderson but he runs right into a double dropkick. After the break, Rowan has Anderson in a rear chin lock. Anderson tries to fight out of it, but Rowan elbows Anderson in the face. Rowan whips Anderson into the corner. Rowan splashes Anderson.

WWE Money in the Bank Results For 6/17

Rowan tries to send Anderson into the to another corner. Anderson moves and Rowan goes shoulder first into the corner. Harper tags in but Anderson hits him with a spine buster. Anderson tags in Gallows, who clears the ring. Harper surprises Gallows with a running boot. Anderson breaks up the pin. Gallows and Anderson set up the Magic Killer. Rowan spears Anderson to break it up. Rowan and Harper hit an assisted sit out powerbomb for the win!

Winners and STILL Smackdown Tag Team Champions, The Bludgeon Brothers