Jim Ross
Photo Credit: AXS TV

Jim Ross Wants CM Punk To Walk Away From UFC, Takes on Today’s Pro Wrestling Announcing

Jim Ross Wants CM Punk To Walk Away From UFC, Takes on Today’s Pro Wrestling Announcing

On the latest edition of The Jim Ross Report, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross talked about CM Punk’s devastating loss to Mike Jackson at UFC 225. According to Ross,

“The guy lost in a unanimous decision. He went three rounds against Mike Jackson….it looks like, according to what [Dana] White has said that this is likely CM Punk’s last UFC fight. I hope Dana’s right. I hope that’s an accurate prediction. I love CM Punk’s willingness to try something new, boldly try something new to compete on an entirely different canvas; but, let’s be honest. At his age and skill set, I hope Phil Brooks looks elsewhere for another new challenge.”

Ross also talked about some of his personal pet peeves with today’s professional wrestling announcing,

“One point on all pro wrestling announcing and this is industry wide in my opinion. Color commentators need to watch their damn monitors and instinctively sense when a near fall situation is imminent and do not talk over them, through them. Shut the hell up or document what you’re seeing. It’s not about you finishing your thought and getting in to documenting the near fall a count or two late. That don’t count. That don’t work. That’s not good broadcasting….the other thing is I’m begging you. Refrain from these exclamations of, ‘Did you see that? Did you hear that?’ No, I can’t see and I can’t hear. God, that’s old…..Announcer banter needs to enhance the talents in the ring and not to get the announcers over with their faux sounding non-organic rhetoric…..Pro wrestling is best when it’s reality based and announcers tell the story in a believable non eye-rolling manner.”

Readers interested in listening to The Jim Ross Report in its entirety may do so HERE.

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