Hulk Hogan Praises The Young Bucks
Hulk Hogan posted a message of support to the Young Bucks on social media, praising them for being ‘cutting edge main event talent’ and ‘doing things outside the box’.
Hanging out with a couple Real Superstars the “Young Bucks”,much respect for these brothers,cutting edge,main event talent,doing things outside the box,and yes I know my way around Japan,if you need any guidance just call HollyWood my brothers. HH pic.twitter.com/XmRdWpfEQJ
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) May 18, 2018
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Word Association With EC3
The WWE posted the following video with EC3 on their Twitter account:
Get to know @therealec3 backstage in #NXTDallas courtesy of @KaylaBraxtonWWE and a little word association. pic.twitter.com/vbxB3ygZYc
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) May 19, 2018