FIRST MATCH: Ren Narita, Shota Umino & Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Tomoyuki Oka, Yuji Nagata & Jushin “Thunder” Liger
Oka and Umino start the match. Oka gets the better of a chain exchange and then exchanges strikes with his fellow Young Lion. Nagata tags in but gets floored by a Dropkick. Narita tags in and drops Nagata with a double shoulder block. Narita and Umino stomp away on Nagata. Nagata fights back. Liger tags in.
Liger throws Narita into the ringside barricade. Liger throws Narita back in the ring and locks in a surfboard stretch. Liger tries to lock in a Dragon Sleeper but Umino breaks it up. Nagata throws Umino from the ring. Liger hits Narita with a lariat. Nagata tags in hits Narita with a gut shot. Nagata hits a Kitchen Sink Knee for two.
Nagata targets Narita’s arm. Nagata hits stiff body kicks. Oka tags in and staggers Narita with a forearm. Narita tries to fight back but Oka dominates him in the corner. Oka hits a Spinebuster for two.
Narita hits a dropkick. Tenzan tags in and clears the apron. Tenzan drops Oka with Mongolian Chops. Tenzan hits a headbutt. Tenzan hits a running splash. Tenzan hits a Brainbuster for two.
Oka tries to fight back but falls to a Spinning Heel Kick for two. Tenzan locks in the Anaconda Vice but Liger breaks it up. Umino tags in and peppers Oka with forearms. Umino hits a European Uppercut. Oka hits a Belly To Belly Suplex. Nagata tags in.
Umino drops Nagata with a forearm strike. Umino hits a corner elbow. Umino hits a second rope dropkick for two. Umino goes for an armbar but Nagata locks in his own. The hold is broken up.
After a strike exchange, Magata drops Umino with a body kick for two. Nagata hits an Exploder. Nagata locks in Nagata Lock II. Umino submits.
WINNERS: Tomoyuki Oka, Yuji Nagata & Jushin “Thunder” Liger
SECOND MATCH: Roppongi 3k (Sho, Yoh & Rocky Romero) vs. Suzuki-gun (Takashi Iizuka, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)
Roppongi 3K attack their opponents before the bell. Sho & Yoh isolate TAKA in the ring and take him out with chops and dropkicks. Iizuka comes in the ring and clears house. TAKA throws Sho out of the ring. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.
TAKA gets Yoh in the ring and stands on him while Iizuka chews in Yoh’s wrist. Iizuka tags in and chews on Yoh’s head. Iizuka chews on Yoh’s torso. Romero tries to break it up, but gets his forehead bit. Iizuka chews on Sho’s head. Iizuka chews on Sho’s hand. Iizuka goes after the ref. Taichi tags in and keeps Yoh grounded. Yoh starts to fight back but gets dropped by a gut kick. Taichi rips off his pants. Yoh blocks the Buzzsaw Kick with a Dragon Screw. Rocky tags in and hits a Springboard Dropkick. Rocky hits Forever Lariats on TAKA and Taichi. Romero hits a hurricanrana on Taichi. Sho tags in. Sho goes for a German Suplex but Taichi grabs the ref. Iizuka chews on Sho’s head. TAKA tags in but gets hit with a German Suplex. Iizuka breaks up the pin.
Sho hits a backcracker. 3K attempt is blocked. Suzuki-gun beats up Sho. Iizuka gets the Iron Glove but Sho fights them off. Iizuka hits an inverted Atomic Drop. Taichi hits a Thrust Kick. Iizuka goes for the Iron Fist again but Yoh and Rocky hit him with stereo dropkicks. The ref gets knocked down as Taichi hits Rocky with a mic stand. Taichi tries again but Sho stops him. Sho accidentally hits the referee with the mic stand and the referee calls for the disqualification.
WINNERS: Suzuki-gun.
THIRD MATCH: KUSHIDA, Michael Elgin & Togi Makabe vs. CHAOS (YOSHI-HASHI, Will Ospreay & Toru Yano)
Ospreay and KUSHIDA start the match. KUSHIDA keeps trying to wrestle Ospreay, but Ospreay evades. They lock up. Ospreay gets KUSHIDA on the ropes and breaks clean. KUSHIDA locks in a wristlock and rolls Will around the match. Ospreay tries to escape but lands in a fresh wristlock. KUSHIDA locks in a side headlock. An acrobatic sequence sees Ospreay takedown KUSHIDA with a headscissors. The two evade each other until they deliver simultaneous dropkicks. Yoshi-Hashi tags in. Michael Elgin tags in.
Elgin throws Yoshi-Hashi around but Yoshi-Hashi keeps landing on his feet. Elgin hits a Uranage and a Senton. for two.
Ospreay and Yano double team Elgin but get caught in a Fallaway Slam/Samoan Drop combo. Yoshi-Hashi pummels Elgin and hits a Thrust Kick. Yoshi-Hashi hits a Western Lariat. Yano tags in. Yano removes the turnbuckle covering. Elgin sends Yano into the exposed turnbuckle. Elgin hits an Enziguri on Yoshi-Hashi. Makabe tags in and clears the apron.
Makabe mounts Yano and rains punches down upon him. Yano rakes Makabe’s eyes. Makabe hits a Lariat for two. Everyone beats up Yano. Brawl erupts. KUSHIDA and Ospreay fight center ring and then exit. Makabe and Elgin double team Yano but hit each other with lariats by accident. KUSHIDA attacks Yano and helps Makabe and Elgin hit double clotheslines. Makabe hits a lariat for two. Makabe hits the King Kong Knee Drop for the pinfall.
WINNERS: KUSHIDA, Togi Makabe & Michael Elgin.