WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (4/17): 2018 Superstar Shakeup Concludes, Multiple Debuts, And Much More

Backstage, Shane McMahon is with Paige. Paige books Styles and Bryan vs Rusev and Aiden English. Paige does her best Teddy Long impression.

In Ring Segment: Shelton Benjamin

Benjamin says the tweet that came out last night where he praised Chad Gable wasn’t him. Benjamin got hacked. Benjamin says Gable needed him, not the other way around. Benjamin needs to remind everyone here how dangerous he is. Benjamin says he asked Paige for a match tonight. Randy Orton comes out. Orton makes it halfway down the ramp and his music stops. United States Champion Jeff Hardy’s music hits. Hardy runs to the ring.

Shelton Benjamin vs Jeff Hardy

Benjamin takes down Hardy and stomps him. Hardy hits a jawbreaker. Benjamin tosses Hardy out of the ring. After the break, Hardy clotheslines Benjamin. Benjamin and Hardy trade punches. Hardy hits an inverted atomic drop, leg drop, and a basement dropkick for a near fall. Hardy goes up top. Benjamin crotches Hardy. Benjamin sets up a back suplex off the top. Hardy fights out of it.

Benjamin hops back up to the top rope and hits a knee to the face. Hardy facebusters Benjamin on the top rope. Whisper in the wind by Hardy. Benjamin kicks out. Hardy tries the Twist of Fate but Benjamin counters into the dragon whip. Hardy kicks out. Benjamin tries Pay Dirt. Hardy counters. Twist of Fate by Hardy. Hardy lands the Swanton Bomb for the win!

Winner- Jeff Hardy