WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (4/24/20)

April 24, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: The New Day

Big E. and Kofi Kingston dance and celebrate in the ring. Last week they became the tag team champions for the eighth time. Kingston asks everyone to clap for Big E. for beating the odds by winning the title on his own. Big E. reminds Kingston that there is no one in the crowd to clap. Kingston says he isn’t trying brag but they have more titles reigns than multiple Hall of Fame tag teams. Big E. notes that they have more championships than Tampa Bay’s own, Tom Brady. Kingston is not pleased. Lucha House Party walks out and says they are tired of being overlooked and they want a title shot.

Miz and Morrison interrupt and walk right by LHS. Miz and Morrison haven got the short end of the stick and they want their titles back. LHP gets in the ring and Gran Metalik says some not nice things about Miz in Spanish. The Forgotten Sons join the fray. Steve Cutler says they served their country and when they came home they were treated like trash. The Sons attack everyone. Miz and Morrison escape as Ryker, Cutler, and Blake lay waste to The New Day and LHP.

Highlights from HHH’s debut in 1995 as Hunter Hearst Helmsley are shown.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!