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Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

New Japan Cup Night 2 Results (3/10) Tanahashi vs. Taichi, Archer vs. Fale.

SEVENTH MATCH: New Japan Cup First Round: Bad Luck Fale vs. Lance Archer

The two men charge each other. They try to chokeslam each other. Archer hits a huge kick and pummels Fale in the corner. Archer hits a running corner splash. Archer mounts Fale and punches him repeatedly. Fale counters with a powerbomb. Archer rolls out of the ring.

Fale rolls out and the two brawl at ringside. They brawl into the crowd. Fale throws Archer into a section of seating and then throws the crowd barricade on top of him, essentially burying him. As Red Shoes is moving the match to the ring, Archer fights back and throws Fale into a Young Lion and a section of seating. Archer yells at an old man. Fale throws Archer into a section of seating.

Archer beats the countout at 19 but Fale immediately dominates. Archer flips off Fale. Fale responds by leveling Archer. Fale chokes Archer on the ropes. Archer fights back with wild punches and kicks. Fale hits a Samoan Drop.

Archer drops Fale. Archer hits a shoulder block to little effect. Archer floors Fale with another shoulder block. Archer does Undertaker’s Rope Walk Hammer Fist for two.

Archer goes for a Moonsault but Fale reverses with the Bad Luck Fall, but Archer fights out. Fale hits a huge corner splash. Fale climbs to the top rope. Archer goes for a Superplex but Fale fights out. Archer goes for a front slam, but Fale reverses. Archer hits a chokeslam for two.

Fale hits the Asiatic Spike for two. Fale hits a Big Splash for two. Fale hits the Grenade for the pinfall.

WINNER: Bad Luck Fale.

MAIN EVENT: New Japan Cup First Round: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Taichi

Taichi stalls. Stalls some more. Taichi slides out of the ring. Taichi beats the countout at 17. Taichi and Tanahashi shake hands. Taichi tries a sneaky gut kick, but Tanahashi fights him off. Taichi rolls out of the ring, where Tanahashi pummels him and rolls him back in the ring. Taichi rolls out of the ring. Tanahashi chases him back into the ring, where Taichi stomps away on the Ace of New Japan.

Tanahashi hits a crossbody. Taichi rolls out of the ring. Tanahashi goes for the High Fly Flow crossbody, but Taichi uses Miho Abe like a shield. With the referee distracted, Taichi beats Tanahashi with his mic stand. Taichi drags Tanahashi out to the crowd and throws him into a section of seating. Taichi chokes Tanahashi with the ringside barricade. Taichi hits Tanahashi with a chair. Tanahashi beats the countout at 17, while Taichi steals Yuji Nagata’s water.

Taichi chokes Tanahashi. Tanahashi fights back but Taichi drops him with a roundhouse kick. Taichi keeps Tanahashi grounded. Taichi covers for two.

Tanahashi comes back and hits a running forearm. Tanahashi pummels Taichi and a European Uppercut sends him to the canvas. Tanahashi hits a Body slam and then a rolling senton for two.

Taichi throws Tanahashi out of the ring. Taichi hurls Tanahashi into the barricade. Taichi powerbombs Tanahashi, but Tanahashi reverses with a Hurricanrana. Taichi beats the count at 17. Tanahashi hits a rope-assisted dragon screw.

Tanahashi hits another dragon screw. Tanahashi locks in the cloverleaf. Taichi fights to the ropes.

Taichi counters Sling Blade with a Saito Suplex. Taichi hits another Saito Suplex. Taichi rips off his pants. Tanahashi ducks the Thrust Kick but eats a roundhouse to the side of the head.

Taichi hits a Low-Angle Powerbomb. Tanahashi gets up and hits Sling Blade. Tanahashi climbs to the top rope and hits High Fly Flow Crossbody. Taichi low blows Tanahashi and rolls him up for two. After a flurry of offense, Taichi hits Last Ride for two.

Tanahashi hits a Swinging Neckbreaker, then another, then a third. Tanahashi ducks a microphone attack. Tanahashi hits Sling Blade. Tanahashi hits High Fly Flow for the pinfall.

WINNER: Hiroshi Tanahashi