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Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

New Japan Cup Night 2 Results (3/10) Tanahashi vs. Taichi, Archer vs. Fale.

New Japan Cup Night 2 Results (3/10) Live In Progress…
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FIRST MATCH: Ren Narita & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Suzuki-gun (El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Narita and Desperado start. Desperado gets the better of some chain wrestling. Narita locks in a headlock but Desperado fights out. Narita corners Desperado and hits an arm drag. Narita transitions into a hammerlock. Desperado fights out and throws Narita from the ring. Kanemaru and Desperado double team Narita outside the ring.

Desperado rolls Narita into the ring for a series of near falls. Kanemaru tags in and body slams Narita. Kanemaru clears the apron. Kanemaru hits a backdrop. Kanemaru locks in a Boston Crab. Narita crawls to the ropes.

Narita pummels Kanemaru but misses a dropkick. Kanemaru corners Narita, but Narita comes back with a dropkick. Taguchi tags in and hits everyone with his ass repeatedly. Taguchi covers Kanemaru for two.

Taguchi hits Three Amigos for two. Taguchi teases the Bomaye, but gets dropkicked in the rear. Desperado tags in and counters a Hip Attack with an atomic drop. Taguchi hits a hip attack and tags in Narita.

Kanemaru throws Narita from the ring but ends up eating the guardrail. Narita and Taguchi hit hip attacks. Taguchi hits an enziguri, Narita hits a belly to belly for two. Narita rolls up Desperado in a small package for two. Desperado hits a spinebuster for two. Desperado locks in Stretch Muffler and Narita submits.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun.

SECOND MATCH: Shota Umino & Yuji Nagata vs. David Finlay & Tetsuhiro Yagi

Yagi and Umino start. They lock up. Neither man gets the better of a chain wrestling exchange. They lock up. Shota doesn’t break clean. Nagata tags in. Finlay tags in. They lock up. Nagata gets the better of a chain wrestling exchange. Test of strength goes to Nagata, but Finlay fights out. Nagata drops Finlay with a shoulder block. Finlay ducks a penalty kick.

Nagata hacks away at Finlay and tags in Shota. Yagi tags in and gets the better of his fellow Young Lion, keeping him grounded.

Yagi floors Umino with a back elbow for two. Yagi pummels Umino in the corner and then chokes him. Yagi stomps a mudhole in Umino, but Umino tries to fight back with chops. Yagi maintains dominance and hits a missile dropkick. Nagata tags in and kicks away at Yagi. Yagi fights back with chops and drops Nagata with a dropkick. Finlay tags in and beats on Nagata. Flying forearm from Finlay connects. Finlay goes for an Exploder but Nagata fights out. Nagata hits an Exploder.

Umino tags in and hits multiple running shoulder blocks into Finlay. Umino hits a Missile Dropkick on Finlay for two. Umino locks in the Boston Crab. Finlay fights to the ropes.

The two exchange chops and forearms. Umino dropkicks Finlay’s knee. Umino locks in La Magistral for two. Finlay hits a European Uppercut for two. Finlay hits a Stunner for the pinfall.

WINNERS: David Finlay & Tetsuhiro Yagi