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Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

New Japan Cup Night 2 Results (3/10) Tanahashi vs. Taichi, Archer vs. Fale.

FIFTH MATCH: Los Ingobernable de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, BUSHI & SANADA) vs. Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku, Zack Sabre Jr. & Minoru Suzuki)

Suzuki and Naito start the match. BUSHI and TAKA tag in. They exchange furious strikes. TAKA pokes BUSHI’s eyes. BUSHI hits a Hurricanrana. SANADA tags in. Naito and SANADA dominate TAKA with tandem offense. BUSHI tags in and chokes TAKA with a shirt.

Minoru Suzuki locks in a rope-assisted Armbar on BUSHI. Everyone brawls on the outside.Back in the ring and TAKA grounds BUSHI. Sabre tags in and keeps BUSHI grounded. Suzuki tags in and, yep, keeps BUSHI grounded. Suzuki locks in a Heel Hook. Sabre tags in and initially dominates but eventually eats an enziguri. Naito tags in. Naito pummels Sabre. Naito hits a backbreaker/dropkick combo. Naito hits an inverted atomic drop. Naito hits a neckbreaker for two.

Sabre hits a Pele kick. Sabre hits a Northern Lights Suplex. Sabre locks in an Armbar but SANADA breaks it up. Sabre & Naito exchange strikes. Sabre locks in the Octopus Hold. Naito makes it to the ropes.

Sabre locks in a Full Nelson. Sabre hits a European Uppercut. Naito hits a Tornado DDT. Suzuki tags in. SANADA tags in. The two exchange strikes. SANADA drops Suzuki. Suzuki reverses Paradise Lock with an Armbar but SANADA wriggles to the ropes. They exchange strikes.

Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. TAKA tags in. Everyone beats on SANADA. European Uppercut from Sabre. Thrust Kick from TAKA. TAKA covers but BUSHI breaks it up.

TAKA goes for Michinoku Driver but SANADA locks in Skull End. Suzuki locks in Rear Naked Choke. BUSHI hits MX. SANADA locks in Skull End for the submission.

WINNERS: Los Ingobernables de Japon.

SIXTH MATCH: CHAOS (Chuckie T, Yoshi-Hashi, Hirooki Goto & Kazuchika Okada) vs. Kota Ibushi & Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens)

Yoshi-Hashi & Ibushi start. They lock up. Yoshi-Hashi wins an extensive chain wrestling battle. Yoshi-Hashi hits a shoulder block but Ibushi gets right back up. Ibushi hits a Penalty Kick, but Yoshi-Hashi ducks the moonsault.

Tanga Loa tags in. Chuckie T tags in. Neither man can gain an advantage. CHAOS clears the apron and beats down Loa. Bullet Club clear the apron. Everyone brawls on the outside. In the crowd, Ibushi hits a moonsault from the balcony.

Back in the ring, Loa continues the assault on Chuckie. Takahashi tags in and works over Chuckie in the corner. Owens tags in and does the same. Ibushi tags in and Chuckie starts to fight back, but Ibushi has much stronger receipts. Yujiro tags in and hits a Yakuza Kick. Chuckie hits a High Knee. Goto tags in and clears the apron.

Goto lariats Yujiro. Goto suplexes Owens onto Yujiro. Rolling kick and a saito suplex gets two.

Goto goes for Ushiguroshi but Yujiro fights out and hits a dropkick. Owens tags in.but gets utterly dominated by Goto. Okada tags in and hits a DDT. Owens hits a backbreaker. Bullet Club triple team Okada and Ibushi hits a Standing Shooting Star for two. Owens goes for the Package Piledriver but Okada fights out. Everyone hits their signature moves on each other and it culminates in Okada hitting Owens with a dropkick. Okada locks in the Cobra Clutch and Owens taps out.