Rik Bugez WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

2/14 NXT Results: Pete Dunne vs Roderick Strong, Dain Crosses Black, Ember Moon vs Shayna Baszler

NXT Results
February 14th 2018

WWE United Kingdom Championship
Pete Dunne (c) vs Roderick Strong

Roddy and Dunne feel each other out early on, then Dunne stomps Roddy’s shoulder on the steps and snaps his fingers back. Dunne chops Strong and goes for a stomp on the steps, but Roddy avoids it and slams Dunne’s back on the steps. Strong takes it back in the ring and hits a backbreaker for two, then he stomps Dunne and tries to head up top. Dunne boxes his ears and knocks Roddy on the floor, then he kicks Roddy in the face and charges back at him on the apron. Roddy hits a couple enziguiris and slams him back first on the apron, then he whips Dunne in the corner but Dunne floats over and catches him with an enziguiri.

Dunne goes for an armbar before snapping Roddy’s fingers back, then Dunne slams him down and gets a near fall before kicking Roddy in the back of the head. Dunne comes back with another enziguiri after Roddy misses a corner attack, then he goes for another armbar hold but Roddy deadlifts him up and snaps Dunne’s head on the ropes. Roddy heads back up top and Dunne tries to fight it, but Roddy hits a super Olympic Slam and still only gets a two count. Roddy comes back with several jumping knee lifts and gets two, then Roddy goes for a suplex but Dunne hits the X-Plex before Roddy comes right back with a Tiger Bomb for two. Roddy goes for the Strong Hold but Dunne snaps Roddy’s fingers, then he hits The Bitter End for the win.

Winner – Pete Dunne