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(Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images)

Johnny Impact On His Impact Wrestling Run So Far, The Charm Of His Current Ring Name, Success Of Boone The Bounty Hunter

Johnny Impact recently spoke with Interactive Wrestling Radio; you can read a few highlights and listen to the full interview below:

Johnny Impact comments on joining the Impact Wrestling roster: 

“Surprised! I don’t know what I expected. (laughs) SOme people have negative opinions of Impact for some reason. I’ve noticed that before I even went there. When I went there, a lot of the people… Bobby Lashley, Chris Masters (Adonis), Alberto El Patron are people I’ve known and got along with back in the day. People in the office, kind of the same thing. There’s a lot of new people involved. Desmond Xavier, for example, is somoene I’ve got to work with on the independents. Trevor Lee, same thing. ANd, Eli Drake who I really got to start working with at Impact. They’re all super talented and nice and all almost as good as Johnny Impact. That is a pretty high compliment coming from me. (laughs)”

Johnny comments on switching names throughout his career, the appeal of his current one: 

“If I had my wrestling career to start over again, I’d stick with one name throughout. But, I’m going to just keep on switching. Johnny Impact? Sure. Might as well name yourself after the franchise, right? It has a certain charm to it. To me, it sounds like a cheesey 80’s name like, “JOHNNY IMPACT!” It’s fun. It’s a lot of fun! Wrestling at its best should be fun!”

Johnny Impact On Eli Drake Being Underrated, Impact Talents Stepping Up Their Game, Working For Three Major Promotions Simultaneously

Johnny comments on the success of Boone The Bounty Hunter: 

“Boone is doing great. I have noticed a lot of people have purchased Boone to give as a holiday gift. The coolest thing about Boone the Bounty Hunter aside from sailing in foreign territories as far as producing, writing, and starring in the film, is the reaction that I’m getting from those that have seen the movie. People have really liked Boone which is really cool for me. Like I said, I wrote it, produced it, paid for it, worked forever to finish it. Really tried to finish it at as high of a level as I could afford with money as well as time. Sometimes with films… There’s a quote that Michaelangelo probably said. “The painting is finished when you put the brush down.” You can work on movies forever. You really can. To see how Boone came out and how people have reacted to it has been awesome.”