WWE RAW Results (12/4) Reigns Defends Against Jordan, Matt Hardy Is Woken, Huge Tag Team Title Match Main Event!

Backstage, Enzo Amore is with Drew Gulak, Noam Dar, Ariya Daivari, and Tony Neese. Enzo berates Daivari and Dar for losing last week. Enzo tells Gulak and Nese to get the job done tonight. Enzo turns around and Nia Jax is standing there with a huge smile on her face. Enzo looks confused. Jax asks him “how you doin?” and walks away.

Tony Nese vs Drew Gulak vs Mustafa Ali vs Cedric Alexander

Gulak and Nese beat down Alexander and Ali. Alexander manages to catch Gulak with a backflip head scissors. Ali dropkicks Nese. Alexander and Ali face off. Ali takes Alexander over with a hurricanrana. Alexander cartwheels and lands on his feet. Ali does a kip up. After a front flip exchange, Ali comes up lame. Looks like he hurt his knee. Nese and Gulak pull Ali out of the ring. Alexander takes out Gulak and Nese with a topé con hilo. Alexander brings Gulak back into the ring. Nese attacks Alexander. Gulak puts Alexander in the tree of woe. Nese does crunches while kicking Alexander in the face. Nese goes up top. Gulak tells Nese to get down because this is a no-fly zone. Nese listens. Ali dives off the top and crossbody blocks both Gulak and Nese. Alexander trips Gulak into the corner. Alexander goes out to the apron and punt kicks Gulak in the head. Springboard clothesline by Alexander. Alexander tries to Lumbar Check Nese but Nese does a backflip and elbows Alexander in the head. Alexander falls to the outside. Ali dives through the ropes and rolling facebusters Nese. Gulak comes out of nowhere and destroys Ali with a lariat.

After the break, Gulak eats a stiff elbow by Alexander. Gulak whips Alexander into the ropes. Alexander hits a handspring head kick. Ali breaks up the pin. Alexander stares daggers at Ali. Ali and Alexander double superkick Nese. Ali and Alexander tear into each other. Spinning back elbow by Alexander. Head kick by Ali. Ali sends Alexander into the ropes. Alexander hits the C4. Alexander lands on top of Ali. Gulak breaks up the pin. Nese sits Ali on the top rope. Alexander goes up but Nese hits him with a rolling uppercut. Alexander knocks Nese off the top. Ali takes Alexander off the top rope with a Spanish Fly. Gulak breaks up the pin. Gulak hits Ali with a jawbreaker. Gulak ends up running head first into the turnbuckle. Ali goes up top but Nese pulls Gulak out of the ring. Nese boots Ali in the head. Alexander hits the ring and Lumbar Checks Nese. Nese falls out of the ring. Alexander picks up Ali and Lumbar Checks him as well. Gulak knees Alexander in the back, sending him out of the ring. Gulak pins Ali.

Winner- Drew Gulak

Next week Gulak will face Rich Swann to become the number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship.

After the match, Gulak tries to show us his power point presentation but as always he gets cut off.




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