WWE RAW Results (12/4) Reigns Defends Against Jordan, Matt Hardy Is Woken, Huge Tag Team Title Match Main Event!

Raw Tag Team Championship Match: The Bar (c) vs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

Ambroseblast Cesaro with a shoulder block. Ambrose takes Cesaro over with an arm drag. Armbar by Ambrose. Cesaro kicks Ambrose in the gut and tags in Sheamus. Ambrose sends Cesaro out of the ring. Ambrose unloads on Sheamus. Ambrose tries to tag in Rollins but Cesaro yanks Rollins off the apron. Cesaro and Sheamus beat down Ambrose. Screaming double kicks by Cesaro and Sheamus. Ambrose manages to tag in Rollins. Springboard clothesline followed by a blockbuster and a sling blade. Sheamus falls out of the ring. Rollins sets up a dive but Cesaro pushes Sheamus out of the way. The Bar sends Rollins face first into the ring post. After a short break, Sheamus and Cesaro are taking turns working over Rollins. Rollins knocks Cesaro off the apron. Sheamus grabs Rollins for the Irish Curse backbreaker. Rollins backflips out of it and DDTs Sheamus. Sheamus tags in Cesaro. Cesaro cuts Rollins off to stop the tag. Rollins almost manages to tag out but Cesaro boots Ambrose in the face to knock him off the apron. Sheamus gorilla press slams Rollins into a European uppercut by Cesaro.

Rollins surprises Sheamus with a superkick. Rollins tags in Ambrose. Ambrose dropkicks Sheamus. Ambrose goes for a dive but Cesaro uppercuts him. Ambrose clotheslines Cesaro. Ambrose goes up top but misses a missile dropkick. Mini swing by Cesaro. Before Cesaro can put Ambrose in the Sharpshooter Ambrose rolls him up. Cesaro kicks out. Knee to the head by Sheamus. Cesaro picks Ambrose up in a powerbomb position. Sheamus goes up top but Ambrose crotches him. Ambrose hurricanranas Cesaro into the corner. Rollins tags in and superplexes Sheamus off to the top. Rollins holds on and hits a falcon arrow. Cesaro breaks up the pin. Rollins tries the Ripcord knee. Cesaro counters into a sick European uppercut. Cesaro tries the Neutralizer. Rollins reverses it into the Ripcord Knee. Sheamus breaks up the pin. Sheamus beats down Rollins. The referee tries to pull Sheamus away but Sheamus won’t stop. The referee disqualifies The Bar.

Winners- Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

After the match, Sheamus smiles because they get to keep the tag titles. Angle comes out on the ramp and tells Sheamus and Cesaro they aren’t getting off that easily. Angle restarts the match and makes it a no DQ match.

No Disqualification Raw Tag Team Championship Match: The Bar (c) vs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

Rollins and Ambrose attack Sheamus and Cesaro. Frog splash by Rollins. Samoa Joe appears out of nowhere and attacks Ambrose and Rollins. Reigns hits the ring and chases Joe off. Reigns Superman punches Ceasaro. As Reigns is outside the ring. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Ambrose and drags Cesaro on top of him for the win.

Winners and STILL Raw Tag Team Champions, The Bar!

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