WWE NXT Results (11/15) Moon Clashes With Martinez, Almas and McIntyre Face-off, Final Hype For Takeover War Games!

Lars Sullivan vs Raul Mendoza

Mendoza lands a few kicks. Sullivan chases Mendoza around the ring. Mendoza attempts a springboard but Sullivan headbutts him in midair. Sullivan splashes Mendoza in the corner over and over again. Power slam by Sullivan. Sullivan lifts Mendoza off the mat and blasts him with cross face strikes. Sullivan deadlifts Mendoza off the mat and drops him with the Freak Accident for the win.

Winner- Lars Sullivan

After the match, Sullivan picks Mendoza up off the mat again. Kassius Ohno hits the ring. Sullivan dumps Mendoza out of the ring. Ohno and Sullivan face off. Sullivan laughs in Ohno’s face and walks away.

Backstage, Johnnu Gargano walks into William Regal’s office. Gargano tells Regal that he knows he hasn’t lived up to his potential as of late but he still belongs in NXT. Regal says he knows that Gargano will find his way as a single competitor and he does belong here. WWE United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne has issued an open challenge to anyone in NXT. Regal is giving the match to Gargano. Gargano thank Regal.

Sullivan has been running roughshod over the entire NXT roster. There is no evidence that Ohno has a chance this Saturday, but if anyone can pull a good match out of Sullivan it’s Ohno.