WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (2/13/19)

WWE NXT Results 
February 13th, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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WWE NXT Results 2/6/19

Dominik Dijakovic vs Shane Thorne

Thorne pushes Dijakovic. Dijakovic forces Thro into the corner. Throne works on Dijakovic’s limbs. Thorne launches into a flurry of kicks. Dijakovic catches Thorne with a nasty clothesline. Release suplex by Dijakovic. Dijakovic sets up a chokeslam. Throne fights out of it and lands a Saito suplex. Thorne goes up top. Dijakovic cuts Thorne off with a slap. Dijakovic tries a superplex but Throne locks onto Dijakovic’s arm. Dijakovic does a backflip off the second rope. Dijakovic superkicks Thorne. Thorne falls off the top to the outside. Dijakovic follows that up with a springboard corkscrew splash to the outside. That was a crazy sequence. Dijakovic destroys Thorne with Feast Your Eyes for the win.

Winner- Dominik Dijakovic

Backstage, Adam Cole says everyone is saying that the Undisputed Era is having a terrible start to 2019. These are all just bumps in the road. Their reign will continue and it starts tonight.

Last week Bianca Belair told Io Shirai and Kairi Sane that she doesn’t have a problem with them, but Shayna Bazsler and the NXT Women’s Championship belong to her because she is un-de-feat-ed.

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