WrestleZone Smackdown Live Coverage
November 14th, 2017
Provided by Jonathan Jansen
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Backstage Shane McMahon was with the entire Smackdown Live roster getting them pumped up to face the Monday Night Raw roster at Survivor Series.
Daniel Bryan enters the ring. His first time back on Smackdown Live since being taken out by Kane. Says that he did not agree with attacking Monday Night Raw. Says that tonight Raw will counter attack tonight, but Smackdown Live will be ready. Bryan says that he is proud of every single performer in the back. Says that Smackdown Live will prove that it is a far better show and better performers then Monday Night Raw. Bryan mentions the Smackdown Live team adding John Cena. Bryan then introduces the new WWE Champion AJ Styles who then enters the arena.
When Styles enters the ring he is met with a loud crowd that is chanting his name. Bryan tells Styles that champions are treated better on Smackdown Live. Says Brock Lesnar has his own advocate and asks if Styles wants one. Styles says yes. Bryan then starts to impersonate Paul Heyman. Bryan says that Lesnar tends to quit like he did WWE and tapping out in UFC. Says Lesnar cannot keep up with the Phenomenal One. Bryan calls Styles the best in-ring performer of this generation. Styles says that he can talk. He’s not a puppet like Brock Lesnar. Agrees that he is the underdog and wouldn’t have it any other way. Says he will prove that Smackdown Live is the A-show and the house that A.J. Styles built.
Ladies and gentlemen, his name is @WWEDanielBryan, and (just for tonight) he is the ADVOCATE for @WWE Champion @AJStylesOrg! #SDLive pic.twitter.com/Qb7TyJJbgq
— WWE (@WWE) November 15, 2017