WrestleZone Smackdown Live Coverage
October 24, 2017
Provided by Jonathan Jansen
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Show starts off with a video recapping Monday Night Raw. After the video, Shane McMahon enters the ring. Tells the crowd that he is going through physical rehab, but is back in charge. Talks about the upcoming Survivor Series show. Says that it’s always better to strike first in a fight and that’s why Smackdown Live made a visit to Monday Night Raw. Talks about AJ Styles wrestling at WWE TLC and Raw, and Kurt Angle saying the Raw talent was better than Smackdown. That’s why Raw was #UnderSiege. Said it won’t happen to Smackdown because they are ready for it. Then Sami Zayn come out and interrupts Shane.
Zayn greets Shane with a hello and says he hopes there are no hard feelings about Hell in a Cell. Shane smacks Zayn’s hand away and says there are hard feelings. Zayn says he would take out Shane the competitor in one second. Said he would leave Shane hurting worse then after Hell in a Cell. Zayn then says Kevin Owens and him will be a part of the Smackdown team at Survivor Series. He says that Smackdown needs them on the team. Shane says he doesn’t want them representing Smackdown Live at Survivor Series and doesn’t need them. But if they want to be on the Survivor Series team they will have win their matches. Zayn will have to take on Randy Orton.
As an act of “selflessness,” @SamiZayn & @FightOwensFight have offered their services for #SDLive‘s #SurvivorSeries team! @shanemcmahon pic.twitter.com/4JQgzRSROo
— WWE (@WWE) October 25, 2017