WWE Smackdown Results (9/19): Shane McMahon Returns to Confront Kevin Owens, Rusev Crushes Orton, Women’s 4-Way Main Event

Before the Viper could properly celebrate his victory he was cut off by Rusev’s music. The Bulgarian Brute made his way out to the ramp and claimed that he was set to become a national hero going into SummerSlam, but in just ten seconds he was turned into a national disgrace. Rusev threatened to rip the face off the Viper’s head…right now. He hit the ring and for some bizarre reason the referee rang the bell. Seriously….what?

Rusev vs. Randy Orton

Orton tried to hit the RKO as soon as the bell rang, but Rusev shook him off and sent him flying into Aiden English on the apron. He turned around into a destructive superkick, and Rusev quickly picked up a three-count.

Winner: Rusev

Charlotte Flair will be here later tonight to discuss her father’s miraculous recovery from the brink of death, as well as her brand new book Second Nature. 

Backstage Segment

Rusev is running around screaming “I beat him! I beat him!” backstage. I’m not even kidding. Renee Young shows up and says he looks elated, but he didn’t know what the word meant. Rusev said that he would now return to Bulgaria a hero, and ran away screaming “I’m number one!”