WWE RAW Results (9/4) Braun Strowman Battles Big Show in a Steel Cage, and More!

After a short break, Gallows is working a rear chin lock on Ambrose. Ambrose fights out of it. Ambrose tries a tornado DDT but Gallows reverses it into a double arm chokeslam for a near fall. Anderson tags in and stomps Ambrose in the corner. Anderson drives his elbow into the point of Ambrose’s Jaw for a yet another near fall. Ambrose elbows Anderson and Gallows. Ambrose runs into a lariat by Anderson. Gallows and Anderson work over Ambrose. Anderson sets up a superplex. Ambrose headbutts his way out of it. Anderson tags in Gallows. Ambrose dives off the top into a choke by Gallows. Ambrose hits the Lunatic Lariat. Ambrose tags in Rollins who hits a block buster on Anderson then dives out of the ring onto Gallows. Sling blade by Rollins. Ambrose dives to take out Gallows. Rollins hurricanranas Anderson off the top rope. Cesaro and Sheamus get on the apron but Rollins rolls up Anderson for the win!

Winners- Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

After the match, Anderson and Gallows toss Cesaro and Sheamus out of the ring. Cesaro and Sheamus run back into the ring and beat down Anderson and Gallows.