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WWE RAW Results – 09/04/17WWE Raw Results

September 4th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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John Cena vs Jason Jordan

Jordan single legs Cena into a pin. Jordan only gets a one count. Cena tries to lock up but Jordan goes behind Cena and rolls him up for another one count. Cena and Jordan lock up. Jordan drops Cena to the mat into a rear waist lock. Cena stands out of it and counters into a snap mare. Belly-to-back takedown by Jordan into another waist lock. Cena stands out of it and counters into a hip toss. Fireman’s carry into another waist lock by Jordan. Cena is struggling to get out of it for the third time. Cena elbows his way out of it and decks Jordan with a right hand. Rear chin lock by Cena. Another stiff right by Cena. Vertical suplex by Cena.

After a short break, Jordan hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Cena. Jordan misses a corner shoulder block. Running Shoulder block by Cena. Jordan back flips out of the Proto-plex and stick Cena with a dropkick. both Cena and Jordan are down. Cena and Jordan get to their feet. Jordan and Cena exchange punches. Jordan picks up Cena but Cena counters into a sunset flip for a near fall. Proto-plex by Cena. Five knuckle shuffle by Cena. Cena calls for the AA. Jordan counters into a roll up. Cena kicks out then locks in the STF. Jordan reverses the STF into a crossface with a full headlock! Cena powers out of it. Jordan counters into a northern lights suplex. before the referee can count Jordan rolls into another northern light for a near fall! Running shoulder block by Jordan. Jordan sets up his finish but Cena counter. AA by Cena for the victory!

Winner- John Cena

After the match, Cena says something to Jordan and pats him on the head as a sign of respect. Cena helps Jordan up and gives him a hug. As Cena poses in the ring, Roman Reigns walks out.