WWE RAW Results (9/4) Braun Strowman Battles Big Show in a Steel Cage, and More!


Show tries to crawl out of the cage but Strowman cuts him off. Strowman slams the cage door on Show’s head. Strowman tries to exit the cage but Show slams the door on Strowman’s head. Show hits a running shoulder tackle. Show calls for the chokeslam. Strowman counters into a DDT for a near fall. Strowman slams the mat in anger. As Strowmand and Show try to get to their feet they trade shots. Chokeslam by Show. Strowman somehow kicks out! Show misses the WMD. Strowman tries to running power slam Show but SHow counters and sends Strowman head first into the cage. Show climbs the cage but Strowman cuts him off yet again. Show knocks Strowman off the top rope. Show almost climbs out but Strowman pulls Show back into the ring. Strowman splashes Show into the cage. Show gets on the top rope. Strowman meets him with a right hand. Strowman superplexes Show back into the ring. Strowman picks up Show and crushes him with the running power slam for the win.

Winner- Braun Strowman

After the match, Strowman grabs a mic and says what happened here tonight his Brock Lesnar’s future. Strowman’s future is to become the Universal Champion. Strowman starts to leave, but comes back. Strowman grabs Show by the head and lifts him up. Strowman sends Show head first through the cage. The cage section breaks and Show is sent to the outside of the ring. Referee’s check on Show’s fallen corpse.

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