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WWE Baton Rouge Live Event Results (8/26): Jinder Mahal vs Shinsuke Nakamura, Charlotte Flair Returns & More! (Photos)

WWE Baton Rouge Live Event Results

August 26th, 2017

Baton Rouge, LA

Results courtesy of WZ reader Matthew Anderson

The SmackDown Live crew put on a thoroughly entertaining house show last night in Baton Rouge, headlined by Jinder Mahal vs Shinsuke Nakamura.

After a general hype and introduction from Byron Saxton, a pre-taped video clip of Daniel Bryan hyping the crowd was aired, welcoming everyone to the show and thus beginning the YES chants across the arena. 

The show started off with Sami Zayn going over Baron Corbin with a reversed End of Days into the Helluva Kick for a clean 3 count. 

Aiden English then sang to a chorus of boos before his partner for the night, Epico, joined him, only to lose to The Hype Bros. as Ryder and Mojo connected for a standing Rough Ryder. (On a side note, there were chants for Carlito in my section). 

Rusev (without Lana) made Sin Cara tap out in under 4 minutes as the Bulgarian Brute received a heavy mix of both boos and cheers. 

Kevin Owens grabbed a mic and began trashing the hometown in wonderful heel fashion, only to be cutoff with a series of blows by AJ Styles before it was announced that they would have a “Baton Rouge Streetfight”. There was lots of action around the ring using the guard rails and a kendo stick. AJ pulled out two tables during the match, only to have them put away by Owens as a way to upset the crowd more. The finish came when AJ Styles whom was on the top rope being set up for a suplex, reversed the move by slipping between Owens’ legs and planting him through the table with a massive power bomb. 1-2-3. He is phenomenal.

Becky Lynch and Charlotte beat Tamina and Lana after Lana submitted to Flair. Wooooo’s were passed around the arena like a beach ball all night long, as it was great to see Charlotte back. 

The Booty O’s cereal box came out as The New Day’s music hit. The New Day and Breezango lost to the Uso’a in a triple threat title match, when Big E. was quickly rolled up by Jey Uso. Xavier Woods worked the crowd all night, but what stood out was that after the match, in which the Uso’s received a bigger pops than any tag team, The New Day didn’t interact with fans after the match and each member went back through the curtain at a different exit, noticeably separate. Could this tease lead to trouble in paradise? 

Main Event
The Singh Brothers welcomed Jinder Mahal who talked on the mic in Punjabi until he was interrupted by the lights being cut and Shinsuke Nakamura’s music echoing throughout the arena. Jinder won after interference by The Singh’s similar to the finish of Summer Slam aka Summerfest. Shinsuke got his retribution when Mahal fled following the bout, leaving his lackies to receive Nakamura’s finisher, in order to leave the crowd happy. 

Largest pops: AJ Styles, Charlotte Flair, The Uso’s, and Shinsuke Nakamura