WWE RAW Results (8/14): Bray Wyatt vs Finn Balor, Brock Lesnar Face to Face w/ SummerSlam Opponents, Neville Defends & More

WWE RAW Results – 08/14/17WWE Raw Results

August 14th, 2017
Report By Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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Opening Segment

After a video package recapping the drama between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins over the past few weeks, the Lunatic Fringe made his way out to the ring and yelled at production to cut his music. He said the entire world wants to know what’s going on with Seth Rollins, and he’s wondering the same thing. The Kingslayer came out to confront his former partner and claimed that Ambrose has been the inconsistent one, blaming Kurt Angle for making them team up but continuing to come out week after week. Rollins said the two of them could run WWE if they teamed up again, and is willing to put the past in the past. He offered a fist bump but Ambrose refused and the two started screaming at each other about trust. Rollins gave up and said he was done playing games, but Dean stopped him and this time he offered the SHIELD fist bump. Seth blew him off and turned to leave but Ambrose stopped him and the two started brawling all over the ring and out to ringside.

Sheamus and Cesaro’s music hit and the tag team champions made their way out pick the pieces of the distracted Ambrose and Rollins. They dispatched of the Lunatic Fringe throwing him over the barricade and put the boots to Rollins in the corner, stomping a mudhole in him. Ambrose came flying out of nowhere and started throwing wild rights and lefts. The two worked together to clothesline the champions over the top rope, and the crowd came absolutely unglued. The fist bump was offered for a third and final time, and this time it’s accepted by both. I think that means they’re both in Los Ingobernabels de Japon now… Just kidding, The boys are back, baby!

Kurt Angle came out to interrupted the celebration as Sheamus and Cesaro were retreating up the ramp. He announced that the champions will defend the Raw Tag Team titles against Rollins and Ambrose this Sunday at WWE SummerSlam!

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