WZ Daily 8.9.17 feat. Jimmy Korderas & GFW Media Call: 2 Superstar Shake-Ups A Year?, Disney’s BAMTech Investment, WWE UK Plans, More

WrestleZone is proud to present the latest episode of our signature daily pro wrestling news podcast, WZ Daily!

The WZ Daily is released Monday-Friday around Noon EST on Eric Bischoff’s IRWNetwork.com!

Related: Full August WZ-IRW Network Schedule: WZ Daily, RAW Rebellion, Smackdown Rebellion & Breakdowns

Today’s episode of WZ Daily is hosted by Nick Hausman and features former WWE Referee Jimmy Korderas as his co-host.

The pro wrestling news topics from over the last twenty-four hours that Nick & Jimmy discuss include:

  • WWE considering two Superstar Shake-Ups a year
  • Disney acquiring the BAMTech
  • WWE’s UK talent being brought in for SummerSlam weekend
  • Plans for the SummerSlam Kick-Off Show
  • Sienna claiming that Charlotte is jacking her style

Today’s episode of WZ Daily also includes the full audio from the most recent GFW Media Call featuring X-Division Champion Sonjay Dutt, Low-Ki and Trevor Lee. Some of the topics discussed include:

  • How 205 Live compares to the GFW X-Division
  • Whether or not Option C will be used at Destination X
  • Why Sonjay Dutt chose to sign with GFW over WWE
  • Why Low-Ki wears a suit when he wrestles
  • Sonjay’s role in creative
  • If pineapple is ok to put on pizza
  • Who they would like to see in the X-Division
  • Which UK promotions they enjoy working with the most
  • What they consider to be the major turning points for the X-Division
  • Their personal favorite X-Division memories
  • GFW’s expansion into India and the pro wrestling landgrab to dominate the market
  • Ultimate X vs Ladder Matches
  • What Sonjay’s X-Division Championship win in India meant to him
  • More…

You can listen to the latest episode of Bischoff on Wrestling in the embedded audio player below: