WWE 205 Live Results (8/8): Rich Swann vs TJ Perkins, Noam Darr Returns to In-Ring Action, Akira Tozawa Interviewed & More

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results
August 8, 2017

– A video detailing the history between TJ Perkins and Rich Swann kicked off the show, going all the way back to their match in the Cruiserweight Classic.

1. Tony Nese def. Cedric Alexander. Nese did his usual posturing, showing off all eight of his abs for some easy heat. Cedric controlled early with quick, explosive offense including a moonsault off the apron, but Nese slowed things down. They went back and forth at the end both looking for big moves, then trading pin attempts until Nese won it with a handful of trunks.

– We are treated to a recap of last week’s “match” where Jack Gallagher completely destroyed The Brian Kendrick who ended up running for the hills. TBK is backstage and said that Gentlemen Jack was a coward and a clown who got disqualified instead of facing him like a man. He says he wants to move on to the next challenge but Gallagher came out of nowhere and attacked him.

2. Noam Darr def. Mark Thomas. Quick jobber match giving Darr the victory after cutting a heel promo, talking about how much he’s accomplished for being the youngest star in the Cruiserweight division.