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WATCH: JBL on Why a Shield Reunion Is “Absolutely Not” a Positive Thing

On the most recent edition of WWE “Bring it to the Table”, hosts Peter Rosenberg, Corey Graves and JBL debated the potential Shield reunion between Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

As seen on WWE TV in recent weeks, it appears as if WWE is building to a SummerSlam match featuring Rollins and Ambrose challenging Sheamus and Cesaro for the WWE Raw Tag Team Titles.

In the following clip from “Bring it to the Table”, JBL says a reunion of The Shield, including Roman Reigns, is not necessarily a positive thing. JBL added WWE wants Reigns to carry the company, and Reigns on his own sells tickets, whereas Reigns in The Shield did not sell tickets. Layfield furthered that Reigns is the guy the WWE Universe comes to live events to boo, and that both sells tickets and merchandise.

Corey Graves said he’s excited for the potential of a partial Shield reunion with Rollins and Ambrose, but wonders if the WWE Universe would react differently if Roman Reigns was included: