WWE Smackdown Results (8/1): John Cena vs Shinsuke Nakamura in First Time Ever Dream Match, AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens for the US Title

Backstage Segment: The WWE Champion

Renee Young asks Jinder Mahal if he has a preference between John Cena and Shinsuke Nakamura as challenger for his title at SummerSlam. Jinder says it doesn’t matter if it’s Japan or America, he’ll retain his WWE Championship against anyone, and the other thing he cares about is getting to his private skybox. He says he walks the streets every day feeling nothing but xenophobia and has overcome every day of his life, and that will be no different at SummerSlam as there is nobody who can defeat the Modern Day Maharaja.

Chad Gable vs. Rusev

Gable showed no fear going right after the big man and taking him down to the mat with his superior grappling skills. He worked over Rusev’s knee alternating between submissions, while kicking away at the knee and continuing to apply pressure. The Bulgarian Brute powered out and hit a big suplex for two, as we cut to commercial. Rusev spent the break leveling his opponent with kicks in the corner and using his size to completely dominate the match. As we came back Gable fired off with a huge belly-to-belly suplex to give himself some space, then connected with a beautiful German suplex bridge for a close nearfall. Gable went to the top rope but did a backflip to land on his feet when he saw the big man coming. A dropkick took Rusev down and he went back up to the top, this time connecting with a moonsault for two-and-a-half. Gable tried for another suplex but got caught with a huge superkick, but managed to get his shoulder up just in time. Rusev signaled for the Accolade but Gable fought out of it and rolled into the ankle lock! They teased a tapout but eventually Rusev threw him off with both feet, connected with another superkick and slapped on the Accolade for the win.

Winner: Rusev