WWE RAW Results (7/31): Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe, Big Cass Headlines, Brock Lesnar Announcement and More!

Backstage, Rollins thanks Ambrose for helping him. Ambrose says he didn’t come out there to help Rollins. Ambrose says Rollins set this up so that if Ambrose didn’t come out he would look like a jerk. Before Rollins can respond Ambrose cuts him off and says he know Rollins is going to say he would do the same thing but he doesn’t buy it. Ambrose walks away.

Bayley vs Nia Jax

Bayley lands a few strikes but Jax grabs Bayley’s pony tail. Bayley attempts a leap frog but Jax catches her on her shoulder. Bayley locks in a sleeper. Jax whips Bayley down to the mat. Jax discards Bayley to the outside. Bayley lands hard on her shoulder. After the break, Jax is working a full nelson. Bayley reverses a power slam attempts by Jax. Bayley tries to fire up but Jax drops her in a double chicken wing face buster. Bayley ends up on the outside of the ring. Jax takes one of Bayley’s pony tail holders and puts her hair up in a side pony tail to mock Bayley. Jax sends Bayley shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Bayley fires up, but she runs right into a shoulder block. Jax misses an elbow drop. Bulldog by Bayley. Running knee by Bayley. Bayley goes out to the apron and hits a splash on Jax. Bliss tries to attack Bayley from behind. Bayley swats Bliss like a fly. Jax tries to send Bayley into the steps but Bayley reverses it and sends Jax into the steps. Bayley rolls into the ring as Jax is counted out.

Winner- Bayley

Backstage, Big Cass says Enzo and Big Show can’t teach him respect because they don’t respect themselves.