WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/1/19)

July 1, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Falls Count Anywhere Match: Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley

After a tackle/leapfrog spot, Lashley spears Strowman. Strowman rolls out of the ring. Lashley follows but Strowman blasts him with a shoulder block. Running senton by Strowman for a near fall. Strowman tries a running powerslam out on the floor but Lashley escapes. Lashley sends Strowman into the ring post. Lashley spears Strowman again. Strowman kicks out. Lashley sends Strowman into the crowd. Lashley hits Strowman with a chair. Strowman launches Lashley onto the stage. Lashley kicks Strowman in the throat. Lashley suplexes Strowman on the stage. Strowman kicks out. Lashley walks over to the top of the stage. Strowman spears Lashley through the LED board! The stage explodes. Graves lets out a holy shit that doesn’t get bleeped on commentary.

Winner- No Contest

After the match, officials, referees, and EMTs check on Strowman and Lashley.

After the break, Lashley is loaded into an ambulance.

The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders

Big E. slams Erik on the apron. Big E. splashes Erik on the apron. Erik and Ivar double team Big E. to take control. Erik drives Big E. into the corner with a running double knee strike. Erik lifts Ivar in the air and drops him onto Big E. Samoa Joe appears out of nowhere and puts Woods in the Coquina Clutch. Kingston runs down to the ring and attacks Joe. Joe and Ivar beat down Kingston.

The match is restarted as a six-man tag match.

The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders and Samoa Joe

Kingston crushes Ivar with a standing double stomp. Woods gets a near fall after a diving elbow. Joe headbutts Woods over and over again. The Viking Raiders and Samoa Joe take turns beating down Woods. Woods manages to tag in Kingston. Kingston tries a crossbody but Ivar catches Kingston. Kingston escapes. Ivar tags in Erik, who gets boom dropped by Kingston. Joe tags in but Kingston knees him in the face before he can get in the ring. Big E. suplexes Erik. Ivar hits a suicide dive. Ivar tries to get back in the ring but Kingston drops him on the apron with Trouble in Paradise. Joe sneaks up behind Kingston and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Kingston passes out.

Winners- The Viking Raiders and Samoa Joe

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