WWE RAW Results (7/31): Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe, Big Cass Headlines, Brock Lesnar Announcement and More!

Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe

Strowman decks Joe. Strowman crushes both Reigns and Joe with multiple splashes in the corner. Joe falls out of the ring. Strowman tosses Reigns out of the ring and screams that this is his yard. After the break, Reigns and Joe send Strowman out of the ring. Reigns tries a clothesline but Joe counters it into a sick Fujiwara arm bar. Strowman pulls Joe out of the ring. Reigns goes outside and lands a few right hands on Strowman. Reigns and Strowman fight into the crowd. Strowman catches Reigns with a massive right hand. Joe grabs Strowman from the other side of the barricade and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Reigns breaks it up. Joe sends Reigns into the barricade. Running back elbow followed by a falling enziguri by Joe. Joe sends Reigns into the ring. Reigns kicks Joe in the head. Joe goes for the uranage. Reigns fights out of it and blast Joe with a clothesline after clothesline in the corner. Reigns almost kicks Joe’s head off his shoulder. Reigns calls for the Superman punch. Joe rolls out of the ring. Reigns runs around the ring, dives off the steps, and Superman punches Joe.

Strowman starts to stir. Reigns notices. Reigns tries to spear Strowman but Strowman gets a boot up. Strowman picks up Reigns and drives him back first into the ring post. Strowman clotheslines Joe. Strowman picks up Reigns and tosses him into the ring steps. Strowman runs over Joe. Strowman picks up Reigns and tosses him into the ring like a lawn dart. Strowman picks up the ring steps and throws them into the ring. Joe surprises Strowman with an enziguri. Strowman surprisingly falls like a sack of bricks. Running senton to Strowman by Joe. Joe runs into the ring and sentons Reigns as well. Reigns kicks out. Joe sets the steps up in the corner. Joe tries to sends Reigns into the steps but Reigns counters it into a Samoan Drop. Joe counters and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Strowman hits the ring and runs over both Joe and Reigns. Strowman power slams Joe. Reigns breaks up the pin. Strowman slams Reigns into the turnbuckle over and over again. Strowman picks up the steps. Reigns Superman punches Strowman. Reigns hits Strowman in the head with the steps. Strowman tumbles out of the ring. Reigns spears Joe for the win.

Winner- Roman Reigns