WWE RAW Results (7/31): Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe, Big Cass Headlines, Brock Lesnar Announcement and More!

Big Show w/Enzo vs Big Cass

Before the match, Enzo says he has done nasty things but he would never eat the brown part of a banana and omg what is happening right now. Sigh… ok, Enzo says Big Show is going to cash the check that Cass says Enzo’s hiney can’t cash. Enzo intros Big Show. As Big show is making his way to the ring, Corey Graves says he wonders if Show and Enzo are friends because Show picks up the tab; Graves has heard Enzo isn’t a good tipper. Booker T says he heard about that. Michael Cole no sells the whole thing.  If that went over your head, please google Enzo and bad tipper.

As soon as Cass tries to get in the ring, Show attacks Cass. Show frying pan chops Cass. Cass tries to fight out of the corner. Show does it again. Show charges into the corner but Cass catches him with a big back elbow. Show tosses Cass clear over the top rope. Show picks Cass up by his head and pulls him up on the apron. Cass stuns Show on the top rope. Cass hits the ropes and Show literally runs over him. Running elbow by Show. Suplex by Show. Cass chop blocks Show in the quad. Show drops to the mat. Cass works over Show’s leg. Show tries to get to his feet. Cass boots Show in the face. Cass goes up top. Cass dives off but flies right into a chop by Show. Show hits the ropes and Cass hits a Test like boot. Enzo jumps on Cass’ back to causes a DQ.

Winner- Big Cass

Cass knocks Enzo clear out with a boot. Cass bad mouths Enzo. Cass turns around and Show obliterates him with a WMD. Show and Cass both hit the mat. Show eventually gets to his feet. Show picks up Enzo and helps him to the back.

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