Former TNA Champion Already Finished with GFW

tna champion

According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, former TNA Champion Nick “Magnus” Aldis is already finished with GFW.

Magnus reportedly turned down GFW’s latest contract offer, which is why he is no longer with the company, having only returned a short while back. As for why Magnus was at the last set of Impact TV tapings, he was there under a handshake deal with GFW to protect the ‘lineage’ of the GFW and to drop it to Alberto El Patron.

The report adds many of the new GFW talent deals require the talents to give GFW 10% of revenue they make outside of GFW, and it also gives them no percentage of merchandise bearing their likeness which is sold directly by GFW.

Magnus is a one-time TNA World Champion, who signed with the company back in 2008. In 2015, he was one of the first talents to sign with Global Force Wrestling when the promotion was announced.


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