WWE NXT Results (7/19) Moon Battles Riot, Dain Takes on McIntyre to Crown a New Number One Contender!

NXT Championship Number One Contender’s Match: Drew McIntyre vs Killian Dain

McIntyre and Dain tear into each other. McIntyre sends Dain into the corner. Top rope clothesline by McIntyre. Dain responds with clubbing blows to McIntyre’s back. Low crossbody by Dain. After a short break, Dain is stomping McIntyre in the corner. Dain slams McIntyre into the corner. Dain punches McIntyre over and over again. McIntyre tries to fire up but Dain knees him square in the forehead. Dain applies a neck vice. Dain takes McIntyre’s head and smashes it against the mat, while still holding onto the neck vice. McIntyre gets to his feet but Dain sends McIntyre back to the mat with a clothesline. Dain sets McIntyre on the top rope. Dain climbs up top as well. McIntyre drops down and hits a Liger Bomb for a near fall. McIntyre lands a few right hands, then a big boot.

Dain stumbles into the corner. Dain tries to land a clothesline but McIntyre ducks and hits one of his own. Air raid crash by McIntyre. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. When McIntyre charges in Dain hits drops McIntyre, then hits a the Belfast Blitz. Dain pops up and Vader Bombs McIntyre. Dain picks up McIntyre for the Ulster Plantation but McIntyre counters. McIntyre tries to hit the Future Shock DDT but Dain fights out of it. Power bomb by Dain followed by an elbow drop. McIntyre kicks out yet again. Dain perches McIntyre on the top rope. Dain lifts McIntyre off the top in a top rope fisherman’s superplex! McIntyre kicks out! Dain misses a clothesline and McIntyre hits the Future Shock DDT! Dain kicks out at one! McIntyre looks like he has seen a ghost!. McIntyre hits the Claymore. Dain slaps himself in the face and tries to get to his feet. Dain yells for McIntyre to come one! McIntyre hits another Claymore for the victory.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender for the NXT Championship, Drew McIntyre!


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