lucha underground

Lucha Underground Star Angelico On WWE Offering Him a Deal Before LU, His Famous Big Dives, Being a Well-Traveled Wrestler and More

Lucha underground
Photo Credit: El Rey Network

Lucha Underground star Angelico recently spoke with Metro and below are some interview highlights:

Being remembered for his dives on Lucha Underground:

“Lucha Underground is one of the best companies you can work for in terms of how they treat the staff and wrestlers. How they manage the TV tapings is second to none. Out of that show came those two dives and they have defined me because that’s what everyone knows me for, that’s what stands out in people’s minds when they think of me. I’m completely happy about it because I did two of them, I won’t do them again, so I’m glad people like and remember them.”

Getting an offer from WWE before signing with Lucha Underground:

“I can’t really talk about the details but there was contact made by WWE before we signed with Lucha Underground in 2014 to both me and Jack. We talked it over and decided at that time that Lucha Underground were going to take the risk with it because we really believed in the project.

We also had the mentality that if WWE were interested in us in 2014 and if every year we’re still getting better as individuals and as a tag-team, why wouldn’t they still want us a few years later a few years on. With a few years to play with we went with the Lucha Underground project which was fun and new. I can’t speak for Jack, but we don’t regret not going, I think he’s happy with the decision he made as am I. Who’s to say we won’t turn up there one day, but with how wrestling is in this day and age it’s great to be a free agent and travel the world.”

Being a well-traveled wrestler:

“It’s definitely made me the wrestler I am. It’s always what I wanted to base myself on, when I became a fan of wrestling my idols were people like Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho, the well-traveled wrestlers before they settled into WWE. You could always see the difference between a well rounded wrestler and one who was just dominant in one style. To be well rounded means you have to travel around the world learning all of the styles, whether it’s European, Mexican, Japanese or American. If I’m bias towards one of the styles it’d be Lucha-libre Mexican style because that’s what I like the most with the high-flying. The combination of working and living in different countries has given me a hybrid Lucha-libre style.”