Universal Championship Match: Brock Lesnar (c) w/Paul Heyman vs Samoa Joe
As Heyman is giving Lesnar a special intro, Joe attacks Lesnar from behind! Joe sends Lesnar out of the ring. Joe slams Lesnar into the barricade. Joe picks up Lesnar and drops him through the announce table with a huge uranage! Lesnar slowly crawls back into the ring. Lesnar smiles and tells the referee to ring the bell. Joe crushes Lesnar in the corner and hits a falling enziguri for an exclamation point! Joe knees Lesnar. Lesnar responds with a few knees of his own. Joe sprawls out of a takedown attempt. Joe forces Lesnar into the corner and lands a few lefts and rights. Lesnar forces Joe into the corner and lands a few shoulder blocks. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch! Lesnar manages to send Joe into the turnbuckle. Lesnar waist locks Joe and lands three consecutive German suplexes.
Lesnar tries another but Joe hooks the top rope. Joe grabs the referee and low blows Lesnar while the referee is distracted. Uranage by Joe! Lesnar kicks out. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch. Lesnar tries to fight out of it to no avail. Lesnar breaks the hold with a sidewalk slam. Lesnar charges in for a shoulder block but Joe moves out of the way. Lesnar is sent shoulder first into the ring post. Joe grabs Lesnar by the waist but Lesnar slips between Joe’s legs and German suplexes him! Lesnar picks up Joe and drops him with three more Germans. Lesnar picks up Joe for the F5 but Joe reverses it into the Coquina Clutch! Lesnar starts to fade. Lesnar stands up with Joe on his back and hits an F5! Lesnar pins Joe.
Winner and STILL Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar!
.@SamoaJoe? Wait for the bell? NOPE! @BrockLesnar #WWEGBOF pic.twitter.com/qw7GYwzXWL
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) July 10, 2017