WWE 205 Live Results (7/4): TJ Perkins vs Rich Swann, Titus Brand Hypes Cruiserweight Title Match & More

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

– Titus O’Neil kicks off the show in the backstage area, screaming at the top of his lungs into his phone because he thinks Akira Tozawa can’t hear him all the way in Japan. He continues shouting as he walks through the back, trying to talk to Airya Daivari about his fancy clothes. Titus finds Mustafa Ali and says that if he keeps up winning they’ll have to call him Muhammad Ali. He screams “float like a butterfly” several times until everyone is terrified, then leaves as the 205 Live intro package plays.

– Titus is still here apparently, as he makes his way to the ring which is decked out with a red carpet for the CEO of Titus Worldwide. There are pictures of Tozawa and Neville set up in the ring, and a podium in the center of the ring with his brand logo on it. Titus puts over the upcoming Cruiserweight Championship at WWE Great Balls of Fire and introduces both men like a boxing announcer. He goes on about the “Powah of Tozawa” until Neville finally comes out to interrupt him. The champ calls him a charismatic leader, but says the problem is that he’s living in a fantasy. Neville says the Titus Brand is a cruel facade designed for manipulation, then rolls footage of Apollo Crews getting manhandled by Braun Strowman on Monday Night Raw last night.

(1) Neville def. Lince Dorado. Titus was sitting ringside for commentary during the match. Lince started off with a great offensive flurry, taking down the champion with multiple high-flying moves. They fought out to the floor and Neville finally took control by throwing him hard into the steel steps. Neville threw his opponent back into the ring and took his time stalking Dorado. He hit a huge powerbomb then locked in the Rings of Saturn and Dorado was forced to tap out.