Slammiversary Results (7/2): Lashley & El Patron Unify World Titles, Full Metal Mayhem Match, Sonjay Dutt vs Low-Ki and More

– Konnan gets on the mic after the match and says that LAX is serious like a late period, and that’s why they always go hard. He announces that they have a new member of their team to keep things fresh. Live and die in LAX.

– We go backstage where Jeremy Borash is looking nervous about his tag team match later on tonight. Joseph Park shows up with a piece of paper and says that their opponents didn’t read the fine print very well, because tonight’s match is going to be No DQ. JB freaks out because he doesn’t want to be anywhere near Scott Steiner (do you blame him?), but Park assures them it’s going to be okay, and not to be afraid to rely on some “old friends”. I guess we’ll see what that means…

– A video package airs hyping up the in-ring debut of NFL star DeAngelo Williams and how much he’s loved professional wrestling his entire life.

Eli Drake & Chris Adonis vs. Moose & DeAngelo Williams

Moose and Williams get a full grand entrance with the ramp adorned with cheerleaders. The Impact Grand Champion starts thing off with Eli Drake and just runs through him like a freight train. Williams tags in to a decent pop and it’s time to see what he can do. We get a classic lock-up between the two but Drake isn’t taking him seriously, and pays for it big time. The NFL star shocks everyone with a beautiful looking rollup and nearly stole the match, then planted his opponent with a cannonball. Things slowed down as the heels picked away at Moose, taking cheap shots and alternating in with quick tags to keep him isolated. Eventually they built up to the hot tag to Williams, who rips off his shirt and runs wild. He delivers a Codebreaker to Drake, cleared the apron and hit a STANDING MOONSAULT for another close nearfall. Williams sent both men crashing to the floor and Moose recovered, flying off the top rope to take them both down! A table gets brought into the ring and Moose brawls around with both of the heels before Williams comes off the top rope with a frog splash; the table didn’t break but he got enough to pick up the win over Drake.

Winners: Moose & DeAngelo Williams

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