Every Wednesday, a new episode of “Wrestling Reality” with Justin LaBar is available for download.
This past week started off with me declaring Monday Night RAW featured one of the worst segments I’ve ever seen. Transcript courtesy of @PeterBahi:
I’ve watched a lot of Wrestling. I’ve watched a lot of WWE in my lifetime, but the Alexa Bliss, ‘This is Your Life Bayley’ segment on Monday Night Raw was one of the worst I’ve ever seen. The ‘This is Your Life Bayley’ was bad; I’m sorry, did I say bad? I meant, F’N atrocious! They wanted Alexa Bliss to go out there and do synchronized swimming and they tied a cinder block to her foot. They wanted her to go out there and try to be Mick Foley and The Rock, the classic segment from over 15 years ago. They wanted her to sync up and be that, and she could not be that. I don’t blame solely Alexa Bliss; she’s given a script, she is told to go out there and do it, she’s given her parts, she’s given her props, she’s given her supporting Actors, and told to make it work; she tried, she did try. She tried to combat the very understandable, agitated, annoyed and unimpressed audience. She tried, and I don’t know if it was one writer, or a team of writers; I don’t know if it was Vince McMahon, or a monkey scratching his ass, or the magic 8-ball; whoever decided to do the segment the way it is; stick your head in the sand and don’t lift it up until we tell you.
It wasn’t funny; and maybe part of it too, has there been a superstar, I don’t mean female superstars, but has there been a superstar in the era that we’ve had NXT and the ‘main roster’ but has there been anyone more mishandled then Bayley? When I say mishandled—look, we talked about this heading into ‘Mania; they have rushed so much of Bayley. They are acting like Bayley has been around as long as she has and has more accomplishments than she’s had, and making her a bigger deal than she is; I mean, ‘This is Your Life Bayley’ I mean, come on! First they treat her booking like she is Shawn Michaels discovering the boyhood dream, now this Mick Foley/Rock stuff with her and Alexa Bliss. I understand nothing is original anymore—nothing is original in Pro Wrestling, movies, we are always going to have remakes, music, always going ot have covers and re-do some version of the originals; I get that, and it can work. You can pull and steal from elements of what works and add a little dash of pizazz and a little originality on it; this, everything from everyone already being out there like her teacher, and her friend and then the boyfriend, and then the friend and boyfriend start making out; it was just so uninteresting. That segment right there, that segment right there is WWE’s down viewership in a nutshell. That segment was not bad, not terrible, but F’N atrocious!
The rest of the show features…
- Big Cass and Enzo Amore story
- Corey Graves getting a bigger role
- Are you buying Corey Graves and Samao Joe
- Women’s MITB
- Fan questions
- Mark Madden in studio on writing Ric Flair’s book and Rip Rogers’ comments
- Playing WrestleRumble.com to win up to $500 predicting Extreme Rules winners and other questions about the event.
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