Impact Wrestling Results (5/25): New Number One Contender Crowned, and More!

KM and Kong Kong w/Sienna and Laurel Van Ness vs Braxton Sutter and Mahabali Shera w/Allie

Kong stalks Sutter around the ring. Kong eventually catches Sutter but Sutter fights him off with a few punches and chops. Shera tags in and tries to body slam Kong. Kong isn’t going for it. Kong slams Shera. KM tags himself in. Kong doesn’t leave the ring. KM yells at Kong to leave. KM turns around and gets body slammed by Shera. KM trips Shera into the corner. Kong and KM work over Shera in their corner.

After a break, KM misses an outside to in splash. Shera tags in Sutter, who power slams KM. Pump kick by Sutter followed by a second rope neck breaker. Sutter tags Shera back in and they hit a dual back elbow to KM. Kong appears out of nowhere and clotheslines both Shera and Sutter. Kong and Sutter battle on the outside. Sienna and Van Ness chase Allie into the ring. Allie crossbody blocks Van Ness and Sienna at the same time. After a distraction, KM rolls up Shera with a hand full of tights for the win.

Winners KM and Kong Kong

After the match, Shera, Sutter, KM, and Kong battle to the back. Sienna and Van Ness gang up on Allie. Rosemary comes out and spits the mist in Sienna’s face and hits her finish on Van Ness. Rosemary stares at Allie and walks away.