WWE 205 Live Results: TJ Perkins vs Austin Aries, Mustafa Ali Becomes Victim to Drew Gulak’s “No Fly Zone” & More

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results
May 16, 2017
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

– Austin Aries is backstage to address the attacks by Neville and TJ Perkins and the bounty placed on his head. He says that even if they manage to take him out, Neville is a liar and TJP is never getting the title shot that’s been promised to him. Aries says it doesn’t matter how many good knees he has, Perkins will never be on the A-Double level, and he’s going to find that out for himself tonight.


They lock up and Darr begs off to the corner, and gets some love from Alicia Fox. Metalik wins the second lock-up and sends Darr into the ropes, telling him to bring it. He hits a series of dropkicks sending him to the floor, but when he goes to dive Fox gets in the way to cut him off. Darr attacks him with a kick to the head coming back in the ring, but Metalik does a handspring flip over his opponent and connects with two headscisssors takedowns. Darr escapes to the floor again, but this time the high-flyer catches him with a big springboard moonsault. He’s distracted as Fox starts screaming at him to “stop cheating”, and Darr attacks him from behind and drags him back into the ring, going into a flurry of kicks, punches, and uppercuts. After a few minutes Metalik came out of nowhere with a reverse slingblade. He tried for the Metalik Driver, but Darr threw him into the ropes and landed a big soccer style kick to his legs. He kept up the attack dropping his arm over the bottom rope, but Metalik caught him with an enzuigiri, followed by a beautiful top rope elbow drop for two. He tried for a roll-up and got another two, then went back up to the ropes, but Darr kicked him out of the air, then hit the Scottish Supernova for the win. Winner: Noam Darr