WWE 205 Live Results: Noam Darr & Rich Swann Finally Face Off, TJ Perkins vs Lince Dorado, Alicia Fox Reunites w/ Scorned Lover

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results
May 2, 2017

Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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TJ Perkins vs. Lince Dorado

Dorado gets the better of a grapple exchange and hits an armdrag to start things out. TJP does a mirror image of the exchange and mocks his opponent with a dab. Dorado takes him down with a headscissors and does a little dab of his own. He tries to fly to the outside, but Perkins walks away and instead Dorado comes at him off the apron with a springboard moonsault. He remains in control until TJP drops him into the bottom turnbuckle and puts the boots to him. He slows things down with rest holds, taking occasional breaks to throw in some kicks and right hands. They fight to the top rope and Perkins tries to rip off his opponent’s mask, but Dorado fights out of it and comes off the top rope with a moonsault into a double foot stomp across the back of the former champion. He connects with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a flash kick, then a flying crossbody for two. Dorado hit a few nasty sounding slaps, but Perkins ducked under a springboard splash, then ran right into a superkick. Lince came off the ropes with a sunset flip pin, but TJP grabbed  his mask again and rolled into a kneebar for the submission. Winner: TJ Perkins