WWE RAW Results (4/24): First Ever Raw Dumpster Match, Wyatt Brings “Horror”, Final WWE Payback Hype!

wwe raw resultsWWE RAW Results

April 24th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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The Highlight Reel-

Jericho welcomes us all to a monumental edition of the Highlight Reel. This is going to be the last Highlight Reel we see on Monday Night Raw. Why? Because Jericho is going to beat Kevin Owens for the United States championship and head to Smackdown Live. Jericho notes that it doesn’t matter where he is because he will always have the support of the friends of Jericho… cheer him on, maaaaaan! The last Highlight Reel deserves a huge guest, so tonight’s guest is Chris Jericho! Chat him up, maaaaaan! Owens split to Smackdown Live and calls himself the face of Smackdown. Jericho says Owens looks like a cross between Grumpy Cat and the Hunchback of Notre Dame. The Miz’s music hits and Miz and Maryse walk down to to the ring. Miz says Raw is no longer Jericho and it hasn’t been since they arrived. Miz says Raw is now about the “It Couple”. Jericho says Miz better watch……….. it. Miz tells Jericho that his sentiment is cute the Highlight Reel has been canceled in favor of Miz TV. Miz beckons that the staff come and change the set to Miz TV. The production crew switches the ring to the Miz TV set. Miz welcomes the crowd to Miz TV but before he can continue Dean Ambrose comes to the ring. Ambrose says that Jericho is right, Miz is a stupid idiot.

Miz says Jericho never said that. Jericho responds that he was thinking it. Ambrose tells Miz that he can’t just come out and take over a talk show. That’s not how any of this works. Ambrose tells the production crew to come back. The production crew turns the set into the Ambrose Asylum. Ambrose says before they get started he has to apologize to Jericho for destroying his light up jacket. Jericho says Ambrose owes him fifteen thousand dollars for a new coat. Ambrose says he has a gift for Jericho. Ambrose gives Jericho a box. inside the box is a new jacket… covered in Christmas lights. Ambrose tells Jericho to try it on, maaaaaaan. Jericho puts it on. Miz says it looks hideous. Miz says the quality of that jacket is the product of an Intercontinental champion that is a lazy slacker. Ambrose gives Miz dirty deeds and leaves. Jericho asks Maryse if she knows what happens when you are married to the Miz? Maryse just made the list!