WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Morton of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express recently spoke with CBS Local Sports and below are some interview highlights:
Who told him about the WWE Hall of Fame induction:
“It was Mark Carrano in talent relations. I was sitting here thinking about a hundred things, and Mark Carrano called us. Actually, I cried. I guess I’m just a big baby. It was emotional. It wasn’t only good for Robert and me. My wife was so excited, my children, my grandkids. They were all there and spent the week with us. WWE took care of all of that. They flew us first class, and I stayed in a suite as big as my house. The things were so fun. Going to the autograph signings and how everything just clicked. They had a display for us for the Hall of Fame, and the way they put all that together was fantastic. I don’t know that I can ever top that moment.”
Being robbed by promoters at the peak of his career:
“I didn’t find out until later on that even the Midnight Express and Jim Cornette had a contract for $250,000 a year. My biggest year in the business was $125,000. When they were selling all of the posters and records and things, I sold over a million of them for $19.95. You know, we never got a dime of that. It’s my own fault. I’m not sitting here trying to blame Jim Crockett. They got away with it. The only person I can blame is myself.”
Performing high-flying moves that are done today:
“No, not really. You have to understand this was before the days of contracts. These guys have contracts now and make millions of dollars. For millions of dollars, I guess I’ll take a couple of bumps like that. But some of these guys it’s just like wow. Take Jeff Hardy, for instance. He has to be one of the toughest guys in the world. I’ve seen him fall 20 feet and every show off the top rope and to the floor. Do you know who else impressed me? Shane McMahon. Even though he’s Vince’s son, good Christ! Did you see some of the bumps he takes?! That’s impressive as heck. He didn’t have to do that, but he does. That’s part of the love of our business.”